Brand Guidelines

Use of NXT1 logos and colors.

Our brand guidelines page serves as the definitive resource for maintaining the integrity and consistency of our visual identity across all media platforms. It provides detailed instructions on how to properly use our logos, including acceptable color schemes, spacing requirements, and other variations.

Table of Contents

NXT1 Logo

The NXT1 logo signifies the NXT1 company.

Primary Color

The red logo should be used whenever possible.

Dark Background

The white logo should be used on dark backgounds.

NXT1 Logo - Dark Background


Clearspace is equal to the height of the "N."

NXT1 LaunchIT Logo

The NXT1 LaunchIT logo signifies the NXT1 LaunchIT platform/product.

Primary Color

To be used on all light backgrounds.

Dark Background

The letters "LAUNCH" change to white for dark backgrounds. All other colors remain the same.

NXT1 LaunchIT Logo - Dark Background


Clearspace is equal to the height of the "N."

NXT1 LaunchIT Logo - Clearspace

LaunchIT Platform Logo (Compact)

The LaunchIT compact platform logo signifies the NXT1 LaunchIT product/platform. This logo is to be used only when two conditions are met: 1) To signify the LaunchIT platform, as a product, and not the NXT1 company. 2) Only when use of the full NXT1 LaunchIT logo (above) is impractical from a space perspective.

Again, the platform compact logo is never to be used to represent NXT1, the company.

Primary Color

To be used on all light backgrounds.

Dark Background

For dark backgrounds, the letters "LAUNCH" changes to #f0f0f0 and the cloud glyph changes to #999999. The purple letters "IT" remain the same.

LaunchIT Platform Logo - Dark Background


Clearspace is equal to the height of the "L."

LaunchIT Platform Logo - Clearspace








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