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Download the Ebook: The Growing Threat of ‘Living Off the Land’ (LOTL) Cyberattacks

Download the NXT1 Ebook: The Growing Threat of Living-Off-The-Land (LOTL) Cyberattacks

NXT1 presents a comprehensive look at the growing cyber threat of Living-off-the-Land (LOTL) techniques to U.S. critical infrastructure, and available defense strategies for government and private organizations: The Growing Threat of ‘Living-Off-The-Land’ Cyberattacks to US Critical Infrastructure, and Strategies for Defense.

This new ebook is 40 pages, in PDF format.


PART 1: Understanding the Threat


1.2 What is Living-off-the-Land (LOTL)?

1.3 Recent Reports on Cyber Threats

1.4 Background on Malicious Hackers

1.5 Historical Context of US Critical Infrastructure Cyber Threats

1.6 Impact and Implications of Activities

1.7 Broader Geopolitical Context

1.8 Global Cybersecurity Landscape

PART 2: Government Initiatives and Proactive Measures


2.2 Official Responses and Proactive Measures for Malicious Cyber Threats

2.3 Joint Cybersecurity Advisories

PART 3: Enhancing Cybersecurity with CISA’s Secure by Design


3.2 CISA Secure by Design

3.3 Recommendations for Software Vendors and SaaS Businesses

3.4 Strengthening U.S. Critical Infrastructure Against Evolving Cyber Threats

3.5 Serverless as the CISA-Aligned Solution to LOTL Attacks

About NXT1 LaunchIT

NXT1 LaunchIT is the developer’s platform to build and operate secure SaaS, enabling instant availability by automating cloud infrastructure management – simply code and deploy. With government-level security, comprehensive operational controls, and integrated ecommerce, LaunchIT accelerates time to revenue and reduces costs for technology startups, legacy application migrations, and more. Get started with a 14-day free trial at nxt1.cloud/free-trial.